Download and view Working with Children and Child Protection Policy.
Information for Members.
In line with regulation amendments, WWLT has updated it’s Working with Children and Child Protection Policy for all members and volunteers who are involved in activities beyond the public areas of the theatre.
All members (over the age of 18) are encouraged complete a working with children check.
This is NOT compulsory to membership. However, should a show event fall in to the criteria of our Working With Children and Child Protection Policy it may become necessary for you to have a working with children check to participate in that show. You will be informed if that is the case.
Under our policy this does not affect Front of House volunteers or working bee and bump-in or bump-out groups. This is defined as non-child related work and does not ordinarily involve contact with children for extended periods without other adults being present.
The check can be done online at
This will not cost anything as you are all volunteers.
On the form – under “Child related sector” please select “Clubs or other bodies providing services to children”.
On completion of the online form, you will be issued with an application number which should be written on your membership application (or for current members paying membership, emailed to the Member Registrar
You will need to take this number to your local Roads and Maritime Services / Services NSW to prove your identity. Your clearance number will be sent to you and must be provided to the Member Registrar.
If you already have a working with children number, this can be used. You will not have to undergo a new check. The number will be verified by the Member Registrar.
The working with children check lasts for five years. The Registrar will keep a record of all checks and members will be notified when they are required to carry out this process again.
If you do not have access to a computer, please arrange a time to meet with the Registrar to carry out the online application at the theatre.
Please note, no adult member who has not provided the ‘Working with Children” number to the Registrar will be permitted to volunteer in any capacity at the theatre that has more than an incidental role in Working with Children at WWLT. This is determined by the Policy Statement within WWLT’s “Working with Children and Child Protection Policy” and determined by the “Point of Contact”.